This week was a lot tougher than last week, but only because I got pretty exhausted and a little sick. My host mom's birthday party was Monday night and while it was truly great to be a part of it, I unfortunately had a splitting headache the entire time along with crazy sinus pressure on the right side of my face. The PA system set to volume level "arena rock" right behind me didn't help matters. It was a terrific party nonetheless -- I got to bypass the sheep's head while still getting to see it passed around, I heard a lot of Kazakh songs (and got to sing some Patsy Cline a capella in response), and I gave my first speech in Russian along with a little Kazakh thrown in for good measure. And there was lots of dancing. Lots and lots of cute, wrinkly, Kazakh women dancing. They danced with me, we bonded, it was beautiful.
Tuesday was awful because I didn't get nearly enought sleep after the party and then I had to concentrate on Russian grammar for 6 HOURS. It was painful. I don't mind studying, but we are just getting grammar grammar grammar at the moment with no vocabulary, so it is ... difficult. Wednesday I made it through okay, but by Thursday, it was clear that I had eaten something I simply should not have. I was hurting and things were not pretty. I admit, I had a bit of a pity party for myself and had to try not to cry as I crammed myself into the bus with the 80 other strangers who would be enjoying my hour long commute to my training site. I don't know how I made it through the day, but I did, and I had two lucky breaks on the way home 1) some lady flagged down the bus for me when I had just missed it so I didn't have to wait for the next one and 2) another lady got up shortly after I got on, so I didn't have to stand the whole time. I went to bed as soon as I got home and didn't get up until five the next morning. This was good.
Friday I got to see Matt again. Really, that is the only meaningful part of that day, but there were some other interesting points, the most memorable of which was a power point slide listing such things as "dirty sanchez" "snowballing" and "rusty trombone". If you don't know what these things are, I don't suggest you look them up. Really. Don't. If you do know what they are, imagine the fun we had when our Russian-former-Soviet-Army doctor asked us to describe them for the group so we could all decide if they were safe practices or not (the topic of our workshop was STDs and HIV). Apparently some former volunteers had put these things on an anonymous survey about their intimate activity during their service. Who knew that hippies could be so much dirtier than mere lack of hygiene? And, of course, pride of pride, I got to explain a dirty sanchez to everyone. Mom, please don't look this up. You'll be so disappointed that I know these things. I did publicly ask your forgiveness for a) knowing and b) telling. Rest assured, however, my knowledge is purely academic. Dr. Viktor himself explained a rusty trombone, including hand motions. I think I may need to wash my eyes out with soap.
Anyway, that has been my week. Today I had two hours of Kazakh language training. It's tricky. I basically just make up sounds while moving my mouth around and hope no one notices that I haven't actually articulated anything. Right now I'm in the Peace Corps office where I can get free internet, but since it takes me over an hour to get here, I'll probably just stick to my slower connection at home. We had to come here for an emergency test (this is our meeting point), and I don't feel bad using the interwebs here like I would at home (electricity consumption). That's why I'm writing this blog right now even though I hadn't really thought out what I would say -- hence, the rambling nature and the full paragraph on foul activities.
Now, I'll head home before it gets dark and start on my community project / English club. We decided to combine the two and we're going to try to get the English club members to develop their own mini-community projects. We'll act as mentors and support to help them get their ideas going. I have a little planning to do, so I'm off.
Oh, one last thing... If you want to write me or send me packages of Jiffy Crunchy Peanut Butter (I like the natural one with or without honey...), you can send me things at:
P.O. Box 257
Almaty 0500-22
Attn: Melissa Avis
And if you want to call me, you can call 8 705 575 4538. I don't know the country code, but you can ask the operator to help you. You can also text me at the number above, just put a +1 in front of it -- no need for a country code.
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